EVE-NG Network Automation Lab
In this post I will show you how to build an EVE-NG network automation lab in Google Cloud Platform. For this demo I will be using Cisco images but the process is the same for other vendors and also works much the same in Azure.
The network automation lab will consist of an EVE-NG server running on Ubuntu 20.04 and also an Ansible Host running on Ubuntu 22.04.
This is what I am going to build which will give you the ability to spin up your lab wherever you are in the world and turn it off when finished.
Provision servers in GCP
Ansible Network Automation Lab
Network Automation Lab FAQ
How to you practice Network Automation?
The best way to practice network automation is by setting up a lab environment and practicing automating tasks on your own away from your production network.
For more information please read How to learn network automation for beginners
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