Ansible Workshop London
Ansible Training
Learn how to automate IT infrastructure using Ansible with this 2 hour in person or online Ansible workshop.
Starting from the very basics of:
- What is Ansible?
- How to install Ansible
- Ansible Inventory basics
- Ansible.cfg file
- Playbooks, Modules & Tasks
- Writing and running your first Playbook
This introductory Ansible workshop will last 2 hours, after you have completed the introductory workshop there is also a one day workshop that will take everything you have learned and expand on all the knowledge by the end of the one day workshop you will learn:
- Install different versions of Ansible into virtual environments
- Learn about dynamic inventories
- Discover Ansible Galaxy for modules and certified collections
- Introduction to AAP (Ansible Automation Platform)
- Introduction to Ansible AWX (The open source version)
- Group_Vars and Host_Vars
- Using Git for version control of your playbooks
- More advanced Playbooks
- Using Ansible for Network Automation
Ansible Workshop Los Angeles
If you are looking for an Ansible workshop in Los Angeles the time difference to the UK works really well. All these workshops will be delivered remotely and take the same format as the London workshop.
Ansible Automation Workshop
Ansible Network Automation Workshop
Whilst the introduction to Ansible workshop only covers some basic server administration tasks I also have a separate Ansible Network Automation Workshop which covers using Ansible for Network Automation. This also takes the form of two workshops, a 2 hour introduction and a 1 day deep dive.
Workshops for your team
Whilst the Ansible workshops I deliver are based on a common theme, if you have specific requirements for your team I can also delivery a custom workshop that covers exactly what you need.
Ansible Workshop Schedule
All in person workshop dates are full for 2023 but there is still good flexibility for offering a remote workshop. If you are looking for an in person workshop for 2024 please get in touch.